28 June 2012

Children are precious

I was walking by the lane yesterday, and saw little kids. Some were playing, some were with their mommies. At that moment, I just wanted to embrace and kiss them all. I went to one of the adorable kid who was wearing the superman shirt and cuddled him tight. Such adorable things are these children. Children are precious, the way they talk is soo pretty. Children are the gift from above, their gentle skin and the exquisite gestures they have is something out of this world. They are a blessing from God to cherish and love. When they hold your hands, they totally have faith in you for taking care of them… the time you are spending with them must be the best treasure one could ever have. They need our time, our love and our care. They grow up so quickly, before you even know it so value your children, Love them, and show it. They want your time, more than all the rest, because children are precious, and you have been blessed…
It’s a grief when I see the unprivileged children sleeping on the footpaths. They are exploited, mistreated and suffer much injustice… They are without a roof over their head and no one is there who care for them... These innocent angels are the rejected ones even at times, they have to sleep ravenous and knowing that they aren’t going to have food the next morning…
To all the mothers out there, express joy and be glad for you have the toughest but most rewarding job of all. Motherhood is a service from the heart that no wealth can reimburse.
Children are one of the greatest gifts to the humankind so cherish them and express your love to every child you see around…:)

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